I read an anthology of short stories, which are all about either zombies or unicorns entitled (cleverly) Zombies vs. Unicorns, edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier. Check out the publisher's website - http://pages.simonandschuster.com/zombiesvsunicorns.
Now the choice may seem simple, right? Unicorns are bright, beautiful magical creatures, whereas zombies are gross, decaying feeble-minded entities. But really, when you think about it, are zombies all that bad? No, in fact, I am proud to say that I am a member of Team Zombie. Unicorns are overrated, vain animals. Zombies may smell a bit, but they mean no harm; they are just trying to survive And, really aren't we all?
Although this may seem like a trivial question, like are you for vampires or werewolves (Duh, vampires all the way!), it really isn't that simple. We could go really deep with a metaphorical concept and think about zombies and unicorns in societal terms. Who are the unicorns? Who are the zombies? What do they represent? And when looking at it through a different lens, does an opinion change?
That's it for now...It's been a long day and my brain is fried.
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